The Gaidhealtachd is a Charitable Trust facilitated by the Trust board, who also act as Day Convenors throughout the week. The Trust board members are assigned specific support roles throughout the year.
The current Trust Board is:
Raewynn Robertson (Chair, Registrations Committee, Quartermaster)
Kirsty Robertson (Secretary, Programme Committee)
Kathy McDonald (Treasurer, Registrations Committee, Programme Committee)
Nigel Robertson (School Liaison)
Chris Dawson (Site Manager)
David Robertson (Website Support, Site Management Support)
Don McDonald-Spice (Site Management Support)
Shaun Cleaver (Programming Committee)
Advisory Trustees: Doug Makinson, Jack Bramah, Adam Ogle, Alasdair Robertson, Caitlin Ryan, Clare Land, Matthew Dawson, Laia Aldridge
The Aims of the Gaidhealtachd Trust Board (as per the Trust Deed):
To organise and run a Celtic summer school in January of each year.
To promote awareness within the wider community of Celtic culture and New Zealand’s Celtic heritage.
To provide opportunities to explore and increase knowledge and skills regarding all Celtic arts, language, history, music, dance, values and traditions.
To encourage other initiatives relating to Celtic culture and establish a network for the promotion and development of Celtic cultural activities throughout New Zealand.
To do anything else within New Zealand that will advance any of these aims.
To find out more about the Gaidhealtachd on the Charities website, follow this link.