Theme for 2025
Our theme this year is “Vikings and their influence on Celtic culture”, which ill hopefully start to get your mind going on potential projects to explore our relationship to it as Celts.
We will be accepting offers of workshops and will keep you advised on how we will weave them into the programme. The programming group will be hard at work to create something special. Contact the programming group
Fancy-dress welcome – This will also be the fancy-dress theme and traditional games theme as well. Note that the Vikings were not what they were typically depicted as in the films and comics – costume authenticity is encouraged!
Please use our contact page to get in touch with the programming committee.
We are tailoring a programme to allow for collaboration, time together, and the time to really master or understand something. It’s very important to allow space to meet and enjoy each others company, collaborate, and for spontaneous activity (or just relaxation!)
We also have space for community, poetry, music and song. Let’s be creative and see what we can do, as we have always done at GT.
The programme for 2025 will be carefully planned. Some workshops may run concurrently e.g. art and dance, as it is a big space. There are many possibilities for outdoor programming, weather permitting.
Opening Ceremony
The opening ceremony will be held at 5pm on 1st Jan (gather at 4.30pm), with a parade of pipers and Gaidhealtachd children holding the flags of all the Celtic nations. This ceremony is a welcome from the Trust Board to all participants, and an opportunity to meet everyone.
This is immediately followed by a housekeeping, and Health and Safety and general information meeting for all participants.
In the evening of the 1st there will be a ‘Meet the tutors” and introduction to the workshops’ session (after a self-catered dinner). This is the official start of the Gaidhealtachd and the start of the circle of events that runs through the Summer School and culminates in the closing ceremony of the 7th Jan.
Daily Meeting
Each morning at 8.30, there is a meeting to advise on the day’s programme and any important housekeeping or safety notices. Everyone is expected to attend these meetings.
The Gaidhealtachd runs so well because of everyone’s contributions. There is an expectation that everyone puts their names on the rosters to help out.
Workshops start daily at 9am, immediately after the daily meeting. There will be numerous workshops available during the day for both adults and children. These are facilitated both by participants and tutors. The adult workshops are 1 – 1 ½ hours long. There are breaks for morning and afternoon tea and lunch. Workshops may cover such things as dance, music, song, language, history, art, kids cooking etc.
There are ceilidhs held most evenings on site, with each one being themed – e.g. Irish & Scottish, Welsh & Breton. This year on site, we will also feature a Viking and Shetland themed ceilidh, a kids ceilidh one afternoon, and a ceilidh in the local Community Hall which we are inviting the local community to attend.
Games and Banquet
On one afternoon instead of the usual workshop programming, we hold the Games which are open to all age groups and are based on the theme for the year. Later that same evening there will be a banquet feast, with catering supplied to all attendees, and with special evening festivities.
Closing Ceremony
This is held on the 7th January, our last day. There will be no workshops held on this day. The morning is for cleaning up the venue first and then packing up your campsite. We need to leave the site at least as good as we found it.